
The Coffee Episode

Rob is obsessed with coffee, and Josh buys a shitty Halloween costume.

0 minutes – 15 minutes: some updates about the podcast website and social media stuff.

15m – 44m: Coffee talk.

44m – 50m: Halloween, shitty costumes, and abusing Apple’s generous refund policy.

50m – 58m: Apple is starting to over-promise and under-deliver.

58m – End: Rob introduces a podcast challenge, you know, for “content.”

More details and links:

We’ve got our website up and running! The HOPEFULLY easy-to-remember domain is We also set up a bunch of social channels like a public group on Telegram, and a Twitter handle: @sorrytopic.

Check out another “hangout” podcast: Getting Caught Up with a couple of more interesting people, Mike and Jeff.

The Beers:

Josh: mysterious beer sitting in the fridge for months

Rob: 21st Amendment IPA

The Coffee:

Rob has been getting really into coffee lately. He refers to The Coffee Podcast and about finding some online guides for making snobby coffee at home. Intelligentsia has a lot.

Josh on the other hand appreciates fancy coffee but is very lazy about it at home. He’s been using a Keureg some days, and other times he gets hours-old leftovers from his Airpot. One of those pump action things you’ll see at conferences and big meetings.

The Challenge:

To spice things up, Rob suggests a simple challenge to try something new for a week or two. We’ll report back with the results!

Challenge for Josh: wake up and make fresh coffee one morning this week. Here’s the French press guide. He also needs to write a bio for the website.